We are looking for a Knight! Would you like to portray our mascot at sporting events? We are having auditions for our awesome mascot. Stop by the athletic department and sign up to be our #1 fan!
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Homecoming Court Sign Ups close TOMORROW!!!! Go to the students tab or use the link: https://forms.gle/yax2XYwuaw7AF1Db8 to sign up.
5 months ago, Kelly Riney
Homecoming Court Sign-Up
We love when the community helps us, but it is especially awesome when family does it. Captain Toby Hardeman helped his daughter Morgan decorate her new classroom at the high school this pre-planning! He did a great job on her door don't ya think??
5 months ago, Matt Norris
IMPORTANT INFO: ULHS is currently unsure if the weather is going to cooperate with our plan for Community Night at Matthews Field today. ULHS administration and coaches are monitoring weather conditions via the wet bulb, which lets our coaches know if it's safe to practice outdoors. If possible, we will have a shortened series of events at the field. We certainly hope that all our UL friends and supporters understand that even though we are very proud of our new facilities and want to show them off, we are MOST PROUD of our students and their safety is ALWAYS our top priority!!! We are UL!!! (Parrish Construction Company will still be giving away bottled water while supplies last!)
5 months ago, Karen Truesdale
Mrs. Shearer’s Spanish 1 students are using a variety of means to learn their Spanish alphabet (phonetics) and numbers. This week, students have been singing, learning rhymes, shaping letters and numbers with Play-Doh or using white boards, and learning to recognize the sound of letters and numbers. Mrs. Shearer is teaching phonics in a fun way while focusing on comparing/contrasting Spanish phonics with English. Connecting English grammar to Spanish grammar is very important to our state Spanish standards. In addition, this strategy meets our state standard MLI.INT1 by using a variety of media to teach the basic writing and reading of the target language. The tactile learning/kinetic approach is working wonders with Mrs. Shearer’s students and I know the kids had fun with Play-Doh while learning!
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Go to the students tab or use the link: https://forms.gle/yax2XYwuaw7AF1Db8 to sign up for Homecoming Court!
5 months ago, Kelly Riney
Homecoming Court Sign-ups
The Academic Team had their first practice of the season this afternoon in Coach Pruett's room!
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Students in Mr. Deraney and Mrs. Knight’s Human Anatomy class participated in a mock autopsy, using dill pickles today. Students learned lab safety techniques, and the proper way to use lab equipment for future dissections. The lab even welcomed a special guest, Dr. Derico, who also dissected the pickle!
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Homecoming Court sign-ups have begun. Girls may sign up on the school webpage under student tab. If you are interested, make sure to sign-up soon. Voting for the court will take place on August 21st.
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Mrs. Hardeman's math class looked at photos of all the school supplies ULHS received over the summer. Students used the information on the boxes to calculate how many supplies we have, and how many of each item can go to each student.
5 months ago, Matt Norris
Grade Level Meetings are Monday!! The 11th and 12th Grade meeting will be held during first block. Juniors and Seniors that do not have a first block at the HS do need to attend. If you are not on campus 1st block, you can go directly to the Fine Arts Center for the meeting. All students with classes on campus must wait for the announcement to dismiss them to the Fine Arts Center.
5 months ago, Kelly Riney
Grade level meetings
First of all on behalf of everyone at ULHS we hope the first day was filled with positive connections and important information that will set our students up for success this year. We wanted to take a moment to clarify student drop off and pick up locations and times. Student drop off begins at 7:15am when the building opens. Students can be dropped off in the front of the school or in the tennis court parking lot to enter through the 500 hall. Student pick up begins at 3:10pm in the tennis court parking lot only. Students cannot be picked up in the front until after 3:30pm.
5 months ago, Kelly Riney
ULHS Map pickup/drop off
ULHS has a back to school deal with yearbooks that will save you money. You can save $15 on your yearbook if you purchase by August 16th. The current price is $70 but increases to the normal price of $85 on August 17th. You can purchase a yearbook online at yearbookforever.com or bring $70 cash or check to Mr. Matt Norris in room 203 beginning tomorrow!
6 months ago, Matt Norris
Tonight, 9th grade parents and students "turned out" for 9th grade orientation in huge amounts! Students could get their schedules and meet their teachers. If you could not attend tonight, freshmen can get their schedules in homeroom Thursday morning. Homeroom lists will be posted in the front lobby area. We would also like to thank our student volunteers who helped assist 9th grade parents and students tonight. Upperclassmen can pick up their schedules in the front lobby between 10am and noon Wednesday. Any student who cannot pick his or her schedule tomorrow can get theirs on the first day of school in homeroom. We are so excited for students to return to the building!!
6 months ago, Matt Norris
We would like to thank school board members Jaye Eubanks, Steve Sadler, Scott Roberts and Brian Salter (not pictured) for stopping by the high school today to talk with teachers. Your support of our schools and community is greatly appreciated.
6 months ago, Matt Norris
Mrs. Riney ran a professional learning workshop this morning to train teachers on new resources available for teachers and students this year! ULHS is appreciative of our district staying ahead of the curve with technology and educational resources!
6 months ago, Matt Norris
Upson-Lee High School faculty and staff finished the first day back with a faculty meeting! It was not a traditional meeting though. Teachers worked together completing a handbook scavenger hunt around the school. Mrs. Murphy checked every entry for 100% correctness and declared Mrs. Busby and Coach Gulley as the winners! Afterwards, teachers were given cake as part of a celebration for last year's successes!
6 months ago, Matt Norris
Today was the first day back to work for faculty and staff in Thomaston-Upson County Schools. During the New Teacher/Mentors Meeting at ULHS, teachers worked on a puzzle activity together to demonstrate how having the end “picture”/goal in view, it is easier to plan for success. This was a great way for new teachers and their mentors to get to know each other and see different approaches to activities. Besides, it is always fun to complete a puzzle! Congrats to Coach Wood and Ms. Gilbert for finishing the fastest!
6 months ago, Matt Norris
Important Notice from the ULHS Nurse: All students 16 years of age or older entering the 11th grade must receive one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) unless they received their first dose on or after their 16th birthday. Students must provide proof of the booster to meet immunization requirements. If you need additional information you can email Nurse Lisa Sollenberger at lsollenberger@upson.k12.ga.us
6 months ago, Kelly Riney
School Vaccine requirements
Tidal Wave Auto Spa recently held an Educator Externship for Southern Crescent Technical College and Upson Lee High School. ULHS teachers Jennifer Chandler and Brent Wells participated in this great event where educators had opportunities to gain firsthand industry experience and bring valuable insights back to their classrooms. Thank you Tidal Wave for investing your time and efforts into our schools and community!
7 months ago, Matt Norris